Hi All-
From time to time I'm a member of various project teams (along with computer scientists and domain scientists) and we're trying to develop some information alerting/situational awareness/analysis tool that needs to be fed from the literature. I realize that description sounds somewhat vague, but necessarily so. It's easy to feed this type of system with a librarian in the loop:
- Do the searches
- Set up an e-mail alert
- Get the e-mails
- Visit the research database, select the new records, export either to a citation database or in csv or other format
- Import into analysis tool, etc.
- Select which if any you'd like to see full text for... go and download those one by one or use Quosa and see what you can get
But I'd like to be able to automate further. Specifically:
Alerts - DIALOG seems to be the only way to get an alert with the full record (not full text but record) in a machine readable format? Is that so? Are there other options?
The APIs - Licensing seems to be the issue. The one from REAXYS specifically is not intended for this purpose although we did negotiate short term access for a proof of concept project (Elsevier was very generous and helpful). The one from Scopus does not allow this use in the license, although we have not tried to negotiate a different use so I don't know how hard that would be. We can't use PubMed things because we will *not* be making our system available to the public.
From the subject of the e-mail. I know there are tools to support systematic reviews (like Quosa) that can facilitate retrieval and collection of the full text. We do have an instance of SFX we can call on (our parent institution does) and nearly all of our licenses are IP authenticated so DOIs generally work for us....
Does anyone know of any scripts or tools we could build into our systems to facilitate automating the retrieval of full text?
Sorry so wordy! Thank you in advance for any help you can offer,
Christina K. Pikas
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Baltimore: 443.778.4812
D.C.: 240.228.4812
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