> ...Next: a smart phone app that reads books on a shelf and reports what the call numbers mean...
_love_ this idea; thx for kicking off the c4l-hackfest topics! :)
Birkin James Diana
Programmer, Digital Technologies
Brown University Library
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On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:22 AM, Karen Coyle <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> cynthia, I can't help you but I can encourage you -- honestly, the call numbers alone (especially in LCC where the notation is not a strict hierarchy) are close to useless without the meanings. One might even make the meanings more visible than the call numbers themselves (bolder, placed first)... Go for it!
> Next: a smart phone app that reads books on a shelf and reports what the call numbers mean. I'd call it "Where the F am I, anyway?"
> kc