The most likely suspect I've come up with for this is a Corel Print
Office format.
Roy Zimmer
Western Michigan University
On 3/11/2014 11:15 AM, Andrew Gordon wrote:
> Hey All,
> For a set of digitized pharmaceutical cards, I am coming up against an image file format that seems to be locked in time. It's supposedly a Compressed PhotoDefiner (?) lossless (.cpd) file ( Though when I try to load up the software, I can't get it to take on any of our windows machines (running 8 and 7). Don't have a mac on hand so don't know if that works or not, currently.
> In my experience, though, I've always been able to find some rogue third party file converter (or imagemagick) to be helpful in these scenarios but this format is just not something that appears to have been accounted for. Additionally, it's one of those file formats that seem to only pop randomly generated answer sites with questionable downloads in a google search, such as
> Just wanted to see if anyone has come across this format and whether there might be any tools to convert it.
> Thanks,
> Drew
> ________________________________________
> Andrew Gordon, MSI
> Systems Librarian
> Center for the History of Medicine and Public Health
> New York Academy of Medicine
> 1216 Fifth Avenue
> New York, NY, 10029
> 212.822.7324