Folks, it's in January in Ontario. How can you say no to that?
OLITA Superconference 2015 Call For Proposals
Super Conference 2015’s theme is “Think it. Do it!”
Turning great ideas into workable solution is what so much of our work
in library technology is about. We’re interested in sessions that
explore the creative process, and the hard work needed to push a project
to completion—and excellence.
OLA Superconference: Think it. Do it!
January 28-30, 2015
Submit your proposal here:
The submission deadline is May 16th.
Types of Sessions:
We are looking for both 40 and 90 minute sessions from all types of
libraries and all kinds of staff. Shorter sessions will usually be more
traditional presentations, while longer sessions will be for in-depth
exploration of a topic, or for presentations with highly interactive
components. Poster proposals are happening at the same time as regular
session proposals, so if you have an idea that would lend itself to
visualization, please consider submitting a poster!
What kinds of sessions are a good fit for OLITA? Some suggestions:
Big data and open data
Linked data and the semantic web
Digitization workflows, systems, and challenges
Research data management workflows, systems, and challenges
Electronic records/digital asset management, retention, and preservation
Open source development
Digital humanities scholarship and text mining
Data visualization
Digital citizenship
Computational thinking
User experience testing
Privacy & security in information systems (ILSs, chat solutions, etc.)
Maker culture and hackerspaces
Wearable computing
Teaching with technology/teaching technical literacy
Programming for all ages
Evaluating and assessing technology
Peer-to-peer training
Cheap or free software for library tasks
Tools for productivity
Making videos
Online education/e-Learning
Web analytics/evaluating your web content
As well as:
digital forensics; web and mobile app development; altmetrics; data
curation; social media and communications; electronic, online, and open
access publishing; discovery layers and universal resource managers;
responsive or accessible web design; gaming in the library and gaming in
teaching; GIS and mapping; cloud computing and storage; online
collaboration; tech lending.
These are only suggestions—please feel free to submit on any topic or
innovative projects you think might be of interest to the OLITA community.
Submit your proposal here:
The submission deadline is May 16th.
The program will be established by the end of June. If you have not had
a response to your proposal by the end of June, please get in touch!
Questions? Comments? Brilliant suggestions? Get in touch with your OLITA
Planners! We’d be happy to discuss your proposal prior to submission.
Jacqueline Whyte Appleby
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Stephanie Orfano
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