I organized a SPARQL webinar that LITA put on in February. The instructor was Bob DuCharme, who also wrote an O'Reilly book - http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/752976161
You may be able to view it at the link below; I expect DuCharme would be willing to contract with UCSD to tailor something for you -
> Thank you for participating in today's LITA webinar "SKOS, SPARQL, and vocabulary management" part three of a three part series of webinars on Linked Data.
> You may access the recording of today's session here: http://ala.adobeconnect.com/p1n8obr32vd/
On May 1, 2014, at 11:23 AM, "Hutt, Arwen" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> We're interested in an introduction to SPARQL workshop for a smallish group of staff. Specifically an introduction for fairly tech comfortable non-programmers (in our case metadata librarians), as well as a refresher for programmers who aren't using it regularly.
> Ideally (depending on cost) we'd like to bring the workshop to our staff, since it'll allow more people to attend, but any recommendations for good introductory workshops or tutorials would be welcome!
> Thanks!
> Arwen
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Arwen Hutt
> Head, Digital Object Metadata Management Unit
> Metadata Services, Geisel Library
> University of California, San Diego
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[log in to unmask]
Debra Shapiro
UW-Madison SLIS
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