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CODE4LIB  September 2014

CODE4LIB September 2014


Re: Python or Perl script for reading RDF/XML, Turtle, or N-triples Files


"Doran, Michael D" <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 30 Sep 2014 11:37:54 -0500





text/plain (109 lines) , (1 lines) , Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 8.52.40 AM.png (1 lines) , Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 8.53.25 AM.png (1 lines)

Hi Jean,

> So, I was wondering if any one had an example Python or Perl script for
> reading RDF/XML, Turtle, or N-triples file. A simple/partial example
> would be fine.

I worked on a Perl script for reading RDF during last year's OCLC Developer House event.

I used the Perl "RDF::Helper" module since it claimed to "Provide a consistent, high-level API for working with RDF with Perl" [1]. There was a bit of a learning curve and I was not able to find much in the way of RDF::Helper code examples on the interwebs.

For the OCLC Developer House project, we were extracting, parsing, and displaying a library's hours from institutional data in the OCLC WorldCat Registry [2]. I've attached a perl "proof-of-concept" script and a couple of screen shots showing output. The script file has an additional ".txt" file extension for safe travels thru email. The script requires non-core perl module(s), as well as specifying a path to a CA Root certs file (for HTTPS gets).

The other Developer House "Registry Hours" project team members worked on a PHP script to do essentially the same thing (although more elegantly and with more functionality). Their code is available on Github [3].

Good luck!

- Michael Doran


[2] Examples of data for UTA Libraries:


# Michael Doran, Systems Librarian
# University of Texas at Arlington
# 817-272-5326 office
# 817-688-1926 mobile
# [log in to unmask]

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of
> Jean Roth
> Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9:14 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Python or Perl script for reading RDF/XML, Turtle, or
> N-triples Files
> Thank you so much for the reply.
> I have not investigated the LCNAF data set thoroughly. However, my
> default/ideal is to read in all variables from a dataset.
> So, I was wondering if any one had an example Python or Perl script for
> reading RDF/XML, Turtle, or N-triples file. A simple/partial example
> would be fine.
> Thanks,
> Jean
> On Mon, 29 Sep 2014, Kyle Banerjee wrote:
> KB> The best way to handle them depends on what you want to do. You need
> to
> KB> actually download the NAF files rather than countries or other small
> files
> KB> as different kinds of data will be organized differently. Just don't
> try to
> KB> read multigigabyte files in a text editor :)
> KB>
> KB> If you start with one of the giant XML files, the first thing you'll
> KB> probably want to do is extract just the elements that are interesting
> to
> KB> you. A short string parsing or SAX routine in your language of choice
> KB> should let you get the information in a format you like.
> KB>
> KB> If you download the linked data files and you're interested in actual
> KB> headings (as opposed to traversing relationships), grep and sed in
> KB> combination with the join utility are handy for extracting the
> elements you
> KB> want and flattening the relationships into something more convenient
> to
> KB> work with. But there are plenty of other tools that you could also
> use.
> KB>
> KB> If you don't already have a convenient environment to work on, I'm a
> fan
> KB> of virtualbox. You can drag and drop things into and out of your
> regular
> KB> desktop or even access it directly. That way you can view/manipulate
> files
> KB> with the linux utilities without having to deal with a bunch of
> clunky file
> KB> transfer operations involving another machine. Very handy for when
> you have
> KB> to deal with multigigabyte files.
> KB>
> KB> kyle
> KB>
> KB> On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Jean Roth <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> KB>
> KB> > Thank you! It looks like the files are available as RDF/XML,
> Turtle, or
> KB> > N-triples files.
> KB> >
> KB> > Any examples or suggestions for reading any of these formats?
> KB> >
> KB> > The MARC Countries file is small, 31-79 kb. I assume a script that
> KB> > would read a small file like that would at least be a start for the
> KB> >
> KB> >
> KB>


# Michael Doran, University of Texas at Arlington
# [log in to unmask]
# @ OCLC Developer House
# February 3-7, 2014
# Proof-of-concept for extracting, parsing, and displaying
# a library's hours from institutional data in the
# OCLC WorldCat Registry.
# see:
# Requires non-core Perl module(s) and CA Root certs file

use strict;

# Configuration -- start

# OCLC organization number (not symbol) for main library unit
# aka "Institution Registry ID"
# examples:
# 2928 for University of Texas at Arlington Library
# 128807 for OCLC WorldShare Platform Sandbox Institution

#my $oclc_org_no = '2928';
my $oclc_org_no = '128807';

# Path to SSL Root Certificate Authority bundle file
# - required for HTTPS gets
my $cert_file = '../../ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt';

# Labels for normal and special hours display
my $normal_hrs_label = 'REGULAR HOURS';
my $special_hrs_label = 'SPECIAL HOURS';

# Configuration -- end

# Required modules
use LWP::UserAgent;
use RDF::Helper;
#use Date::Calc; # Not used yet, but needed for further development

my $oclc_org_base_url = "$oclc_org_no";
my $content = '';
my $normal_hours_uri = '';
my $normal_hours_rdf = '';
my $special_hours_uri = '';
my $special_hours_rdf = '';
my $null = undef;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->default_header('Accept' => 'application/rdf+xml');
$ua->ssl_opts( SSL_ca_file => "$cert_file" );

my $rdf = RDF::Helper->new(
BaseInterface => 'RDF::Trine',
namespaces => {
rdf => "",
wcir => "",
schema => "",
rdfs => "",
umbel => "",
foaf => "",
library => "",
xsi => "",
dcterms => ""
ExpandQNames => 1





# GetRDFDoc

sub GetRDFDoc {
my ($uri) = @_;
my $response = $ua->get("$uri");
if ($response->is_success) {
$content = $response->decoded_content;
else {
die $response->status_line;

# GetInstData

sub GetInstData {

$rdf->include_rdfxml(xml => $content);

my $hash_ref = $rdf->tied_property_hash($oclc_org_base_url);
my %prop_value_hash = %$hash_ref;

my $institution = $prop_value_hash{'wcir:institutionName'};
my $library = $prop_value_hash{'wcir:unitName'};
$normal_hours_uri = $prop_value_hash{'wcir:normalHours'};
$special_hours_uri = $prop_value_hash{'wcir:specialHours'};

print "\n" . "$institution" . "\n";

if ($library) {
print "$library" . "\n";

# NormalHours

sub NormalHours {
my ($normal_hours_uri) = @_;
unless ($normal_hours_uri) {
print "\n" . "$normal_hrs_label" . "\n\n";
$normal_hours_rdf = GetRDFDoc("$normal_hours_uri");
$rdf->include_rdfxml(xml => $normal_hours_rdf);
my $norm_hours_hash_ref = $rdf->tied_property_hash($normal_hours_uri);
my %norm_value_hash = %$norm_hours_hash_ref;
foreach my $week_day ('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday') {
my $day_hash_ref = $rdf->tied_property_hash("$normal_hours_uri#$week_day");
my %day_hash = %$day_hash_ref;
my $open_status = $day_hash{'wcir:openStatus'};
my $open_hour = $day_hash{'wcir:opens'};
my $close_hour = $day_hash{'wcir:closes'};
if ($open_status eq "Open24Hours") {
print "$week_day open 24 hours" . "\n";
} elsif ($open_status eq "Open") {
print "$week_day open from $open_hour to $close_hour" . "\n";
} elsif ($open_status eq "Closed") {
print "$week_day is closed" . "\n";

# SpecialHours

sub SpecialHours {
unless ($special_hours_uri) {
print "\n" . "$special_hrs_label" . "\n";
$special_hours_rdf = GetRDFDoc ("$special_hours_uri");
$rdf->include_rdfxml(xml => $special_hours_rdf);
my $spec_hours_hash_ref = $rdf->tied_property_hash($special_hours_uri);
my %spec_value_hash = %$spec_hours_hash_ref;

# problem area here - fixed
# - when single value returned to $hoursSpecs, can't dereference
# - if don't deference, can't handle when it is an array reference returned,
# e.g. ARRAY(0x7fd4c2b34f40)
# Solution: test with perl 'ref' function
my $hoursSpecs = $spec_value_hash{'wcir:hoursSpecifiedBy'};
my @deref_hoursSpecs;
if (ref($hoursSpecs)) {
@deref_hoursSpecs = @$hoursSpecs;
} else {
@deref_hoursSpecs = $hoursSpecs;

my %spec_hours_instances;
foreach my $i (@deref_hoursSpecs) {
my $day_hash_ref = $rdf->tied_property_hash("$i");
my %day_hash = %$day_hash_ref;
my $valid_from = $day_hash{'wcir:validFrom'};
$spec_hours_instances{$valid_from} = $i;
foreach my $key (sort keys %spec_hours_instances) {
print "\n";
my $day_hash_ref = $rdf->tied_property_hash("$spec_hours_instances{$key}");
my %day_hash = %$day_hash_ref;
my $description = $day_hash{'wcir:description'};
my $open_status = $day_hash{'wcir:openStatus'};
my $open_hour = $day_hash{'wcir:opens'};
my $close_hour = $day_hash{'wcir:closes'};
my $valid_from = $day_hash{'wcir:validFrom'};
my $valid_to = $day_hash{'wcir:validTo'};
print "$description" . "\n";
if ($open_status eq "Open24Hours") {
print "Open 24 hours" . "\n";
} elsif ($open_status eq "Open") {
print "Open from $open_hour to $close_hour" . "\n";
} elsif ($open_status eq "Closed") {
print "Closed" . "\n";
print "From $valid_from to $valid_to" . "\n";

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