I would like to propose that C4L adopt a policy requiring that consent
be explicitly given to be photographed or recorded, along the lines of
a policy adopted by the Evergreen Project. [1]
Evergreen's policy was adapted from AdaCamp's photography policy. A
blog post from Ada Initiative outlines their reasons for adopting the
policy [2], but to summarize, some people simply dislike being
photographed, while for others, being photographed without their
consent or knowledge could expose them to personal danger (e.g., from
Consequently, it is possible that some folks who would otherwise be
interested in going to Code4Lib may be unable or unwilling to attend
absent a policy that allows them to opt into being photographed.
Whether or not that is currently the case, I have heard from people
who have expressed discomfort with being photographed.
In the past, such policies have been implemented via use of colored
(and patterned) lanyards. If such a policy is adopted, it may be
impractical to source such lanyards in time for the 2015 conference,
but alternatives such as stickers may be doable. But regardless of
whether a photography policy is adopted, I would encourage attendees
to ask for consent before taking photographs.
[1] http://evergreen-ils.org/conference/photography-policy/
[2] https://adainitiative.org/2013/07/another-way-to-attract-women-to-conferences-photography-policies/
Galen Charlton
Manager of Implementation
Equinox Software, Inc. / The Open Source Experts
email: [log in to unmask]
direct: +1 770-709-5581
cell: +1 404-984-4366
skype: gmcharlt
web: http://www.esilibrary.com/
Supporting Koha and Evergreen: http://koha-community.org &