The ruby-marc <> team is happy to
announce that we’ve decided to release the current code as version 1.0.0.
There are no non-cosmetic changes to this code compared to the
until-now-current version 0.8.2.
The jump to version 1.0.0 reflects the *de facto* use of the marc gem in
production at dozens of institutions and allows further development to more
easily adhere to semantic versioning <>.
In that vein, please begin the process of updating your gem directives in
Gemfiles and .gemspec files to something like
gem 'marc', '~>1'
…to be sure you have the latest backwards-compatible version for your
Thanks to everyone involved, from committers to folks who file bugs, for
the progress ruby-marc has made over the years. Special thanks for the most
recent releases go to Jonathan Rochkind, whose work on encodings (including
MARC-8!!) has been relentless.
-Bill Dueber, for the ruby-marc contributors-
Bill Dueber
Library Systems Programmer
University of Michigan Library