Digital Humanities Librarian
Emory University
The Emory Libraries seek an energetic, user-oriented, and collaborative
professional to serve as a HumanitiesLibrarian on the
Humanities Team with a subject area focus of English Literature. Emory's well-
ranked anddynamic English department includes 40 faculty,
over 50 graduate students, and more than 150
undergraduatemajors. The successful candidate will be
highly knowledgeable in the field of English and American Literature,
havea passion for the research, teaching and learning
mission of the University, and understand the Libraries' role in
theadvancement of that mission. S/he will possess excellent
communication, interpersonal, and team skills. Thisposition
offers an opportunity for strategic and interdisciplinary approaches to the
selection, teaching, discovery,and delivery of digital and
print information resources.
Position Duties
Reporting to the Humanities Team Leader, the Humanities Librarian will be
involved and engaged in the entire lifecycleof research,
teaching and learning processes. S/he will collaborate with and support
faculty in course-specificways, including providing point-
of-need instruction sessions and assignments, research guides and/or
tutorials.Focused primarily on the English department, the\
librarian will provide a full range of subject specific
libraryservices to include collection development,
consultation, instruction, reference services, and assessment.
Thelibrarian will also work closely with other librarians
and units to understand and integrate area research
andcurricular needs with the Libraries' collections and
services. Partnering with fellow subject librarians, other
Library& Information Technology Services (LITS) units, and
campus organizations, the Humanities Librarian will work
tocreate and sustain strong relationships with the
Manuscript, Archives, & Rare Book Library (MARBL),
Emory'sCenter for Digital Scholarship (ECDS), and Academic
Technology Services to engage in evolving campus
digitalscholarship initiatives. Finally, s/he also will
work the reference desk an average of 3 hours a week.
Specific dutiesinclude:
* Serves as primary liaison to and actively develops professional relationships with faculty, students and staff inassigned subject area. May include other areas within the Humanities Team if needed.
* Plans and delivers innovative reference and instruction services; teaches research tools and skills relevant to thediscipline, develops content for subject-based web pages, and collaborates with faculty to achieve informationand digital literacies and archival pedagogy learning outcomes in course-specific ways.
* Provides in-depth, specialized consultation in support of the entire research lifecycle; contributes to Universityefforts to assess and promote institutional scholarship.
* Assists faculty engaged in digital scholarship projects and teaching-and-learning-with-technology initiatives;collaborates as needed with ECDS and Academic Technology Services.
* Partners with other libraries, especially research services in MARBL, to promote teaching and research withprimary evidence materials.
* Develops and manages excellent electronic, multimedia, and print collections in English and American literatureto support the research and teaching needs of the Emory University community, promotes resources usingcurrent tools and technologies, and collaborates with colleagues in related fields to acquire materials, especiallythe curators in MARBL.
* Provides marketing and assessment of library services.
* Participates in professional and scholarly associations.
* Maintains up-to-date professional knowledge and skills in areas related to primary job assignment as well asmaintains general knowledge of current trends in higher education, academic libraries, and information andeducational technology.
* Adheres to guidelines outlined in the Handbook Governing the Librarian series for Faculty-Equivalent Librarians toensure appointment, appointment renewal and promotion-in-rank
* Participates in library and campus committees as appropriate for service purposes.
Required Qualifications
* ALA-accredited master's degree in Library and Information Science or equivalent education and experience(subject expertise).
* Advanced degree in English Literature or related discipline.
* Demonstrated knowledge and experience with instruction, information literacy, and assessment of libraryservices and resources.
* Familiarity with new technologies, such as text-mining, network analysis, data-visualization, and other digitalapplications relevant to the study of English literature.
* Commitment to user-centered library services.
* Strong interest in technology and tools for research and teaching
* Strong understanding of the key issues and trends in instruction, collection development, research, andreference in the subject area of English.
* Knowledge of scholarly communication issues and trends within the literature disciplines.
* Evidence of excellent communication, public speaking, teaching, writing and analytical skills.
* Commitment to fostering a diverse educational environment and workplace and an ability to work effectivelywith a diverse faculty, staff, and student population.
* Demonstrated willingness to respond to new opportunities with initiative, creative energy, and leadership.
* Evidence of active participation, involvement, and leadership in local, state, regional, national, or internationalprofessional or scholarly associations.
Preferred Qualifications
* Practical knowledge of ACRL's Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.
* Experience working with Aleph, ALMA, vendor sites, like YBP's GOBI, libguides, LibAnswers, and other assessment tools.
* Background and/or interest in other humanities disciplines, such as comparative literature or classics.
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