Apologies for Cross-postings. Please share widely if so inclined!
We want to invite you to get involved with the DPLA Ada Lovelace Day, a
coordinated, multi-community event happening on October 13, 2015. The
goal of this day is to inspire and guide simultaneous DPLA Ada Day
events in different communities and cities on Ada Lovelace Day. The
simultaneous events will celebrate the life and work of Ada Lovelace by
using the DPLA digital collections and related tools to make women in
technology, science and mathematics apps, projects, syllabi, essays,
digital exhibitions or anything else in the spirit of Ada Lovelace day.
We welcome anyone and everyone to organize a DPLA Ada Lovelace Day event
in your own area; these can be hackathons, workshops, or any other event
permutation, with the shared focus on women in technology, science, and
mathematics highlighted by working with the DPLA collections. To
coordinate, a list of events being planned will be available on the DPLA
Ada Lovelace Day site. Additionally, at the end of the day, communities’
creations and responses to the event will be shared on this site. See
more information there: http://dpladalovelace.us/