Hi there,
Just in time for Open Access Week and the DLF Forum in Vancouver! The University of British Columbia Library is proud to announce Open Collections, the Library’s new unified interface and innovative research platform for locally created and managed open access digital materials from the Library’s repositories: DSpace, CONTENTdm, AtoM, and Dataverse.
Highlights of Open Collections include:
- 100,000+ unique digital objects
- 65,000+ items with full text
- 7 million+ pages of full text
- the OC metadata model in the context of DPLA, EDM and other schemas
- downloadable metadata and full text at item and collection levels
- JSON, JSON-LD, RDF, N-Triples outputs
User experience:
- direct user access to the API
- responsive design
- data visualization
- in-context text highlighting
- usage data
- faceted search results display
- advanced search
- custom RSS feeds and search widgets
Under the hood:
- IIIF-2.0 compatibility
- ElasticSearch
- PHP frameworks
- JS frameworks and modules
- PostgreSQL
- and many more open source technologies
Access to the Research API: https://open.library.ubc.ca/research
Documentation about the Research API: https://open.library.ubc.ca/docs
More information about the Open Collections technology stack, metadata model and usability testing process will be published soon to the Open Collections site. As will information about sharing the software.
Special thanks goes to all the dedicated and hard-working people on the Open Collections Implementation Team in the UBC Library and UBC IT.
I hope you enjoy this innovative new platform as much as we enjoyed building it. Feel free to send me your questions or comments.
Paul Joseph
Systems Librarian
University of British Columbia Library
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Room 103
1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z1
Phone: 604-827-5132
Email: [log in to unmask]
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