*** Please excuse cross-posting ***
The VIVO 2016<http://www.vivoconference.org/> Planning Committee is excited to announce two invited speakers! We're looking forward to their talks, and we're thrilled that, in addition to their invited sessions, both Dr. Ruben Verborgh and Dr. Pedro Szekely will be hosting half-day Workshops on August 17th.
Read more on the following link: http://www.vivoconference.org/2016email7.aspx
Kind regards,
Violeta Ilik
Head, Digital Systems & Collection Services
Galter Health Sciences Library
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University Clinical and
Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS)
303 E. Chicago Ave, 2-212
Chicago, Illinois 60611
office: (312) 503 0421
violeta.ilik at northwestern.edu
Educate, Discover, Improve Health