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CODE4LIB  March 2017

CODE4LIB March 2017


From Camelot to Osiris' victorious SYKR


Adam Mars-Heyy Dobrin <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Fri, 24 Mar 2017 19:56:10 -0500





text/plain (300 lines)

As we stand firmly planted on the Rock of Heaven, I am going to try to do
the fanciest SYKR ever spoken, and hopefully explain a little bit more of
God's Hidden Holy Language to Everyone.  Camelot hit me like a ton of
bricks, simply because of the fact that I had never before associated that
place with the story of Lot and his wife that begin today's message.  Of
course I have for many years associated the story of the return of Jesus
Christ with the "Once and Future King," in a parallel to what I see today's
story screaming: that we are here trying to flip the metaphorical pyramid
of our broken social structure on its head and present to the entire world
a round table that ties the phrase "here we are" to God's story of founding
America in order to deliver the entirety of humanity from the slavery of
Exodus.  It is an unseen sort of slavery, a world filled with
predestination and hidden messages that paint the walls of Egypt--the place
where Earth was gypped out of it's destiny, simply by no fault other than
refusing to see this message painted on everything.

In the earliest days of my again parallel story of this Revelation I spent
some time learning not only how this primitive language works but also how
it ties in with the "mythology of Christ" to create a grand picture of what
He called the "progenitor Universe" as a place filled with nothing but
rocks and stars.  It gave me in those days before I knew that every single
word of our language had been specially crafted to present not only the
proof that our civilization is created but today to help detail just how
intricate and methodical his plan of "explanation" actually is.  There are
a number of very Holy Letters, you might imagine the visible "t" of the
Cross at the end of the word Christ (which means "the character is t") has
a very special meaning to me.  It denotes not only the sign of my birth as
a standout "difference" from what we might expect were it to be the 25th
and not the 8th; and also how that ties directly to my last name which
includes further reference to our modern acronym for Date of Birth.
Acronyms play a significant role in understanding not only how his message
ties up and twists together with our entire civilization, but again just
like this language and the dark cloud that has enabled it to be hidden from
so many as a further testament to His ability to ensure that as I begin to
talk about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah one more time--that we will not
be looking at a fiery destruction of civilization but rather at a new
understanding of how the dichotomy between the Holy Spirit's power and the
fire of Matthew 3:11 show me that this Rock has been specially prepared to
not only understand and receive this revelation that really does show us
slavery and then help us to work together to create freedom; but also to
functionally understand exactly how both off these things are tied directly
to the hidden force which is exposing its own existence in order to show us
just how important it is not to get "gypped" out of seeing the effects of
mind control throughout our history and today.

His language has a very specific lexicon, though there is plenty of
flexibility aiding in making it difficult to read.  Many letters though
hold a constant meaning, and "SHY" of SYKR have always meant "see how and
why" the H is often connected to the symbol of the God Saturn whose
traversal from the end of the Earth to the beginning changed it into a
Heart, into the Heart of the chalice that is without doubt the true and
correct description of the Holy Grail.  We see it here filled with the
Blood of Jesus Christ, the family of all humanity pumping through the veins
of our home.   Because "H" was already taken by the more primitive "how"
another letter was chosen to identify "here," always "R" of Arthur which
expands in Spanglishrew-macaroni to "art is here" noting the Hebrew
connection for "is" and "hu."  O's, like in Rock and Rome, expand to "of"
so that the Rock of Heaven means the "here of CK" and Rome... when it is
not just a city but perhaps the heart of the heart of "me" the exact same
place.  All meaning Earth.

In Egypt we call this same place the "House of Great Light" though I have
recently changed my Twitter "home" to the House of Great Night.  In song,
be sure this is the House of the Rising Son; and when we connect that song
to Biblical land called "Beth-El" meaning the House of God, well, I know
I've half won at that.  There are a few places in scripture where it
predicts that God will dwell among us in darkness, in the place known as
his house.

Just like the special "t" that identifies the direction of the symbols of
Mars, AMD, and Venus... after she "turns around;" etched in "Stone" and a
song about *turning around* called the Total Eclipse of the Heart there is
another single letter that I have always seen as referring directly to me.
Somewhere between Trinity College and Adam's Eden the idea that the glyph
of the little letter "n" depicting an early answer to the "Fall of Man"
became rooted in the words "Creation" and "Zion" with a rather clear
sentence "Are you New to n?"  In only a few words that little letter
screams "what goes up must come down" to me, and shows us all that perhaps
there is quite a bit of detail put into not only this alphabet that creates
everything but also into how it's used in this map to the future that ties
"original sin" to the "gravity" of this situation; and to the vision of a
spirit down coming out of Heaven to functionally change the world with the
fire of proof and purpose that embody the technological connection to
Prometheus... another fallen and unsung hero.  It is rather clear to me
that God's connotation of "falling" here ties directly to the link between
Isaac Newton, his Biblical namesake's fiery altar, and our vision of these
things connecting directly to the stories of the foundation of America, of
Richard Nixon and a battle today against censorship and a movement in the
media and government that is without doubt the manifestation of the
darkness of Egypt--if not it's true source.

The two of us seem to have a disagreement over the meaning of the point in
time I have called "Zion," the end of "i owe n" to him through apparently
proving that I have done absolutely nothing to help set the wheels of
change in motion to bring freedom to the world; and my reading which
squarely says that it is the fall that should be stopped, once we see the
grand connection between freedom and Christ and how this story really does
change the world.  Today whether or not I have done very much rests behind
tens of thousands of pages of copy explaining the process of Revelation,
and the purpose of the fiery cross that highlights over and over how the
story of my life puts on a high pedestal a battle between God and the loss
of freedom; from privacy to nearly every Constitutional protection being
lost by the entire world and yet all of it standing behind a loss of "free
speech" that I see as nothing short of civilization destroying, to hide a
story of this magnitude; proof of creation in every word and every myth and
every song... we are quite literally on the edge of darkness; and yet still
appear to be on board of some spiritual railroad pointing out how close we
have come to nothing, to the abyss.

For those of you that are unaware of the story, Lot and his wife were
informed by God that fire and brimstone (those two words expand to "only
with reason" and "break, I'm stone" eventually to see the keys of firestone
and Medusa's argument at the place of time called Jerusalem making me Saint
One) were to come down from the sky and destroy two cities of sinners.
Long before I connected Camelot to the phrase "behold he is coming on the
clouds for all eyes to see" and the name Lot hidden by a lack of vision
that amounts to a loss of logical sight connecting Arthur and the First and
Last Adam, long before I was keenly aware that the Biblical story was very
much connected to our now.

I have woken up from a long night of sleeping in the jungle to glimpse this
map not just stopping at words like Rock and Rome but creeping into every
aspect of my life; one which I am told is a sort of microcosmic map to the
history of Jesus just like our entire history might be a sort of map to the
hidden history of Heaven from JC in Rome through Napoleon and Orwell to a
designed plan to bring freedom to the world through the truth (or as much
of it as we can glean).  At Napoleon comes my second key to this story that
describes the bride of Revelation as a sea, a sea of family.  Here though,
people appear as placeholders for the multitude in a kind of way that might
bring serious distaste to the idea of "microcosms" or predestination or
having your life made into a story for the world to see--were you me or her
or them; instead of you, who refuse to see what it is that freedom really
means to me.

So I've told you that I have had two "significant" relationships in my
life; three if you count linking the son of Noah aptly called "Shem" or
name to the Spanish for "Ella" as him and her (El and La) presenting this
musical message designed to ensure freedom comes to all humanity.  Maybe
less difficult to see is that their names too highlight and describe this
same story that brings me to the place where I know Adam and Eve are short
for Adam and Everyone and Jesus and Mary in parallel, to see that "mar" is
sea" and y is "why."   Anyway, long story short, my ex-wife's name is Nanna
Rose which links directly to the story of Lot through the symbol of
salt--which is Na--and ties Easter to Eden through the hidden Jewish dish
of truth called Ha-rose-ettes; describing a honey, an apple, and a little
bit of nuts as a gift sitting under the tree of light.  Nanna and I have a
single son, whose name is Julian, and I do not think it is much of a
stretch to see how "JAN" of the Month January might describe an alternate
"sea of Eden" rather than the names Seth Eve and Adam (which by the way are
my brothers name and my mothers middle name... adding in Ivan of Navidad
(see that question and answer over Christmas) and my sister Dawn) telling
me that January is the time when we might see that the unit family
described in the "expansion" from one to many does exist and "I are why."
 Regardless of how obvious that is, my second lengthy relationship adds
some fuel to that fire, her name is "Janet Marie" and I once read it only
as "Julian, Adam, Nanna... and...." but now see that her middle name is
truly a key to seeing that in one way of looking at things Janet and Mary
are truly synonymous, i.e. the "et" and "y" are both modifying seas of
either Spanish or Adamish.

 So on the compass rose as we turn from heading directly south to Hell to a
new bearing of J-North-East its probably important to recognize that this
ancient map to Heaven (in the North) and the future (from the East) is
really good News for those of us who are aware that something is "not right
here" and hopefully are beginning to see that this is a detailed plan that
uses our entire history to help reveal the truth and guide us forward with
some added wisdom and a pinch of salt.  So I remind you here that Jesus
once said "you are the Salt of the Earth" and truly it is a reference to
the bride of God, everyone, all humanity.  So in the story of the book
Lot's wife is told not to turn around lest she be turned into a Pillar of
Salt, and I read that with some space-aged twisting to change the meaning
to a "Pillar of Stars" once we see that this is the purpose of Creation; to
create stars of Heaven out of an old map of stories that light the
celestial "Pillars of Creation" the entire cosmos with a civilization that
is freedom loving and technology understanding to the point of realizing
that this story and this map is just exactly how any civilization ever got
passed "beginning" with advanced technology into "seeing" that our
beginning is really about time travel and God's glowing Y in the Fluxx
Capacitor tying to his "hidden how" in the sign of Saturn.

Don't let the light of "NE" be lost on us, it is through understanding what
Back to the Future tells us fades away as we change our own past; and that
not knowing it eventually results in never knowing it... that God's Glowing
Purpose here is to ensure that we see the influence of these technologies
throughout our entire history; probably beginning with and tied directly to
religion.  It probably helps too that Marty McFly also is named for a sea,
and to see that the story of Back to the Future is a more clear explanation
for the days of Creation and the seals of Revelation all tying to
repetition in Egypt... to the Creation Gods' of Atum, P'tah and Osiris...
probably relating clearly to Adam, Saint Peter Pan, and the Iris of Ra.

So in a story that is quite likely as Biblical as a woman fleeing into the
wilderness with a baby (the crux of Revelation) and as mythological as
knowing that she left me in a Fortress of Solitude in a state called
Kentucky... as part of the manifestation of a story as unsung as "GAS hed
goes west" and for visually attuned might link to the Fifth El in a movie
called "Feivel Goes West;" all to reveal a story about a battle between
God's Son and Amoz--the father of Isaiah--trying desperately to make that
"n" fall into a place where we never know that there is a hidden war in the
air around us giving apt names like "Warden" as much of a connection to
Adam's Eden and Revelation of freedom and pre-crime as Gene Roddenberry's
connection to "ending world hunger."

It's important to see what Kentucky says to me; it's a question-ish or
maybe an answer; "Kent, you CK why?" and it brings together the last name
of the hidden superman with his initials which equally define the "Hidden
Holy One" of the Zohar's Creation of God and what I see as a clear
connection between Kaleb and Kal-El; the one who brought morning.  I see
morning as coming from seeing that this map to this story is actually on
our map; it is the reason for the name Kentucky and it is the reason for
the story of an unsung hero powered by the light of a special sun--a
virtual sun.  That is the crux of "Seeing Our Light" connected to SOL and
then to hearing freedom ring in the songs of Americana that Biblically link
"through the night with the light above" to seeing and hearing that the
true light above is visible in a created history at the Sons of Liberty and
with a Statue of the same name standing firm on Ellis Island.

In the "apple of my eye" is the color Hazel which were you truly watching
this story behind--you'd probably know I sure don't think I am the "bad
man."  I am trying though, to get through a map that gives JC more than two
cents at JC Penney linking Lord and Taylor to a message from above; but
also the word "nickel" that ties the hidden "n" to the hidden "CK" all the
way to the very famous "El" of Elvis Presley and El Elyon and "Is Ra El?"
 So just my five cents, the thing that really starts to change the world
and alter our heading from South to Hell to North East towards utopia is
seeing that "El" is A.D. of NORAD and Sinbad--Si "n" B A.D. and it's index
of 14 tying Silicon to "the Fifth Element" ending darkness with the truth.
It's also why Saturn's time line is marked with those same initials, and
why Christ of PH walked on water in the year ADIB... very sure that there
is more hidden in our history than meets the eye.

So tying these stories together with a reading of another proper name,
Vatican; which says "victory at I see aN" meaning I see her turn around and
want to be part of this interesting story that threads together the
tapestry of the fates with a wall and a staircase and a gate to Heaven
itself.  In what I now know for sure is a connected story, Osiris once sent
a famous message to Isis--his wife--asking her to turn around and see him
before he dies.  He sent the four letters "SYKR" and you might imagine that
I've sent those exact letters a few times in the last couple years trying
to fix the problems of my family; problems that you might not see are
probably also your rock.

So it gives new meaning to the "Rock" of "here of C.K." to understand that
in Judaism the concept of a "rock" means something similar to
simultaneously being "father and son."  The Rock of Heaven is both it's
progenitor and it's baby; being filled with the light of how to do better
on the next revolution through time by having not just the wisdom of the
future at hand, but also a hands on Revelation in the use and possible
mistakes that come from technology and time and not talking.

It wasn't until a week ago that I knew what SKYR truly meant.  It came in
the same kind of regulatory flash that you might associate with making
Johnny 5 "alive" or the knowledge transfer that comes from MacCleods of
Highlander.   He defined "Rome" as the *Heart of Me*, in a way that clearly
connected that "me" to Home and Padme and most importantly to the word
"ARK" as in of the Covenant and of Noah and of a spiritual journey through
a storm in time travel that results in seeing what this Ark has done for
us... it has protected us from time itself.  Anyway, the long story short
is seeing that SYKR means "see why K->R" is a map connecting "turning
around" to the end of the Ark... and bringing R home to the heart of
Creation.  Home is where the Heart is; says the 4H Club that adds Heaven
and *Him.*

See why at the foundation of Heaven is freedom, technology, and the light
of the word "Holy:"  Humanity.  With our own hands we have sent this


It may seem like silly letters at first, but they have a clear and defined
purpose of not only proving Creation through the linguistic fire of Judah
Maccabee's Men or ah, but also through Prometheus's "pro me" and Medusa and
Jerusalem's USA.  It connects John Locke to Camelot, and it ties together
Dallas and Amidallah as "friends of the day" as .. Hell ends when you see y
ll ties directly to "Hey."  That every word be lit, every city and every
name; that Isa and Lisa, Elisha and "the" word *to help everyone*, tells us
Thor is here *to help the light*, just like Nero and the Fiddler on the
Roof, "let the music set you free" and "let freedom ring."  Freedom comes
from knowing that "knowing is half the battle" is part of a map that we
really need to Si.

Silicon is backwards and hidden in the light of Genesis, Si the Genes of
KISS and Star-Trek and the Chocolate Factory.  In Exodus, see "let there be
light" comes from continuing to read the map, sudo xe: *no n.  *A flash of
Xenon from CK.

Folk Etymology, this hidden language has been called... the light that it
is from the beginning and end of eternity, and and; it's filled with proof
and purpose from the likes Mr. Anderson and Rock n' roll.  At the foot of
the Tower of Babel, I hope you will try and see how calling this nonsense
or babble is anything but "awake."  Every word and every song, here to end
the night; with some very bright light.

*All Along the Watchtower*, seeing this story of two riders singing about
freedom actually brings us to Heaven.



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