Tap tap, this thing on?
Hi, inspired by the talks at Code4Lib17, I am curious if there are enough
of us mid-Missouri Code4Lib types to actually pull off a very local
meet-up? We can probably use a room at DBRL [1]
I've created a Slack channel [2] to help us get organized and enable
communication. Even if you're not interested in meeting up right now, you
should consider joining the channel so you can keep an eye on us (even you
other Midwest-types, Missouri isn't *that* far away from you).
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, join the channel on
Slack [2] and give me a ping. Thanks!
[1] http://www.dbrl.org/meeting-room-application-form
[2] https://code4lib.slack.com/archives/C4M1DGAB0