On Mar 18, 2017, at 12:19 PM, Hardy Pottinger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Tap tap, this thing on?
> Hi, inspired by the talks at Code4Lib17, I am curious if there are enough
> of us mid-Missouri Code4Lib types to actually pull off a very local
> meet-up? We can probably use a room at DBRL [1]
> I've created a Slack channel [2] to help us get organized and enable
> communication. Even if you're not interested in meeting up right now, you
> should consider joining the channel so you can keep an eye on us (even you
> other Midwest-types, Missouri isn't *that* far away from you).
> If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, join the channel on
> Slack [2] and give me a ping. Thanks!
> --Hardy
> [1] http://www.dbrl.org/meeting-room-application-form
> [2] https://code4lib.slack.com/archives/C4M1DGAB0
While I am probably not able to attend a mid-Missouri Code4Lib local meetup, I whole heartedly advocate these sorts of events. I call them “Code4Lib Franchises”. Yes, the annual conference is “a good thing”. I participated in the investigation/drafting of a report regarding Code4Lib’s efforts to become more formalized, and I advocate incorporation as opposed to establishing a relationship with a third party to minimize fiscal risk. But in my opinion, incorporating (or establishing fiscal relationships), is a bit like the tail wagging the dog. I support incorporation so we can maintain our own bank account to pay for things like computer infrastructure, scholarships, and grants. The annual meeting, in my option, is the driving force.
That said, local meetings are inexpensive, comparatively easy to set up, and create professional relationships in smaller geographic regions, and thus they are more likely to foster project-related collaborations.
Eric Morgan