Listed in no priority order, below are a number of annotated links and comments, gleaned from us -- the Code4Lib mailing list, describing the possibility of crowdsourcing transcriptions. It seems as if FromThePage and a number of Omeka plugins float to the top when it comes to recommendations:
* Amanda French <[log in to unmask]> says, "I will say
that it's usually not so simple as putting up the documents and
letting people transcribe them: there's a fair amount of
publicity and community management that has to happen before
things get transcribed. Two really effective strategies in the
absence of a dedicated transcription community manager are 1)
to hold "transcribathon" events, and 2) to partner with
teachers who'll ask their students to do transcriptions as
class exercises. Transcribing documents is always a fantastic
thing for students to do: it sparks their interest and gets
them to really engage with primary sources in a way they rarely
get to do."
* Ben Brumfield <[log in to unmask]> - An acknowledged expert
on the area of crowdsourcing transcriptions with a number of
links from which to read:
o YouTube video -
o older blog entries -
o new blog entries -
* Crowd Sourced Indexing ( - Used more
along the lines for genealogical research
* DIY History ( - A set of
transcriptions hosted by the University of Iowa and supported by
a set of locally written Omeka 2 theme.
* Freedom on the Move ( - Outlines
how a database of content will be crowdsourced surrounding the
topic of fugitives from North American slavery
* FromThePage ( - "A
wiki-like application for crowdsourcing transcription of
handwritten documents", and also available as a fee-based hosted
solution (
* Incite ( - Yet another
Omeka plugin, but I can not really find from where to download
* Scribe ( - "Scribe is a
framework for crowdsourcing the transcription of text-based
documents, particularly documents that are not well suited for
Optical Character Recognition. It is a collaboration between
Zooniverse and The New York Public Library Labs with generous
support from The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH),
Office of Digital Humanities."
* Scripto ( - "A free, open source tool
enabling community transcriptions of document and multimedia
files. Scripto brings the power of MediaWiki to your collections.
Designed to allow members of the public to transcribe a range of
different kinds of files, Scripto will increase your content’s
findability while building your user community through active
engagement"; an Omeka plugin
* Smithsonian Institution's experience documented at a number
of links:
o project page -
o about crowdsourcing -
o more about crowdsourcing -
o formally published article -
* Transcribe ( - A set of
transcriptions hosted by the Royal BC Museum
* Transcription Tools: a survey by Katie Mika, NDSR Resident
( - A list of apropos tools; "To this end
one of my first tasks when I arrived at MCZ (Museum of
Comparative Zoology) was to familiarize myself with the current
landscape of tools for building crowdsourcing, citizen science,
and manuscript transcription projects."
* Why transcribe
( - To
paraphrase, "Transcription helps bridge the gap between
digitization and use by enhancing access through full text
search, enriching metadata collection, and opening collections to
digital textual analysis."
* Wikisource ( -
Apparently functioning like a wiki, enables writers/transcribers
to do their good work.
Thank you to all of you who replied. Very helpful! code4lib++
Eric Lease Morgan