*Software Curation and Data Curation for the Sciences and Social Sciences
The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is soliciting
proposals from potential host institutions with an application *deadline
of October 18*. An advisory panel of experts will review the host
applications and select 4 institutions to host software curation fellows
and 4 to host fellows in data curation. In both cases, the fellows’ work
must draw upon their disciplinary expertise in order to help advance
software and data curation practices and services at the host institution.
The salary and funding for these positions are slightly different as
*Salary and Funding*: For institutions applying to host a *fellow in
software curation for the sciences and social sciences*, CLIR will pay 40%
of the fellow's salary (set at $70,000 per year), while the host
institution will be responsible for the remaining salary and benefits
comparable to other academic staff at the host institution. CLIR will also
pay all costs for the fellow's education and training throughout the year
two-year fellowship (a $20,000 value), including all travel, room, and
board costs for required program meetings, as well as providing regular
online discussion sessions. All additional costs related to the fellowship
(such as recruitment costs beyond the operation of CLIR's website and
online application system, moving expenses, and indirect costs) are the
responsibility of host institutions.
For institutions applying to host a *fellow in data curation for the
sciences and social sciences*, CLIR will pay all costs for the fellow's
education and training throughout the two-year fellowship (a $20,000
value), while salary costs and benefits comparable to other academic staff
at the host institution are the responsibility of the host institution.
Fellows' education and training throughout the two-year fellowship include
all travel, room, and board costs for required program meetings, as well as
regular online discussion sessions. All additional costs related to the
fellowship (such as recruitment costs beyond the operation of CLIR's
website and online application, moving expenses, and indirect costs) are
the responsibility of host institutions.
Alice Anderson Bishop
Senior Program Officer
Council on Library and Information Resources
1707 L Street, NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20036
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