Host Call for Code4Lib BC 2018 (preferably outside of Vancouver area)
After many years in the Vancouver area, Code4lib BC travelled to Nanaimo this year! We are hoping to keep it moving for 2018.
Code4Lib provides a venue for people in library and allied fields to get together to collaborate, innovate, learn, and share. The event provides opportunities to present lightning talks on projects you're currently working on or wondering about, combined with breakout sessions that allow participants to get their unconference on. The atmosphere is friendly, open, collaborative, and inclusive. Since it's an unconference, organizers fade into the background and participants take ownership of the agenda by stepping forward to lead breakouts, propose topics, and generate participation. You can also read more about Code4Lib BC's past events on our wiki [], as well as more about the Code4Lib community [].
Code4Lib BC aims to create connections and professional development opportunities for folks from British Columbia and surrounding areas. Thanks to VIRL and VIU for co-hosting this year's Code4lib BC unconference coming up November 30 and December 1 and taking it to the Nanaimo area. We are hoping to continue moving this event around the province to help create regional and province-wide connections.
We're looking for a group or organization (formal or informal) to consider moving Code4Lib BC to another place outside of the Vancouver and Nanaimo areas. Could this be you?
The current organizing committee is comprised of staff from various institutions working together to host the unconference at two different venues. We would be delighted to discuss logistics and other considerations with any individuals or groups who are interested in hosting Code4Lib BC 2018. This year's organizers will be hosting a breakout session to discuss hosting an unconference and answer any questions anyone may have. If you want to contact us outside of the unconference or you cannot make it, you can also contact Dan via email [log in to unmask]
We look forward to hearing from you!