Dear Code4Lib community.
The Research Collections and Preservation Consortium launched its shared collections middleware last fall. We are now in the midst of a project to fully understand managing the package well into the future. Because we hired a company to write the code, we want to hire a code reviewer to wade through the package and provide back information about the quality, resilience, and extensibility of the package. No code changes will be requested. An RFP will be submitted to interested parties, and we are trying to find companies or individuals who may be interested in submitting a proposal.
This initiative will require a senior full stack developer with expertise in Enterprise Architecture, Java, Spring, Java Persistence Architecture / Hibernate, and ActiveMQ. Experience with SOLR is beneficial, and knowledge of integrated library systems and standard ILS APIs extremely useful. As part of the RFP response, the Contractor will demonstrate experience in previous code review projects.
Technical specifications for the project are documented on Confluence<> and the code is maintained on Github<>. The JavaDoc can be found here<>. There is a total of about 322,000 lines of code including comments. The package is middleware that stands between several institutions' ILS and OPAC systems as well as ReCAP's high-density storage facility's IMS.
Please send any leads to me off list.
Thank you so much,
Ian Bogus
Executive Director
Research Collections and Preservation Consortium (ReCAP)
400 Forrestal Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
T. 609.258.1517
F. 609.258.7633
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