Hi all,
We've kept the form open for duty officers for the 2019 conference for a bit longer, and you still have time through the weekend to volunteer. If you're willing to spare a few hours of your conference to be a resource to the community, please consider volunteering. Feel free to reach out to me or Francis Kayiwa if you have any questions.
The form is here: https://goo.gl/forms/2DkdbUUDSSOMi1f33 and more info is below.
Anne Slaughter
Director of Technology Services
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Burr Ridge Office
Phone: 630.734.5127
Fax: 630.734.5050
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From: Anne Slaughter
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 3:51 PM
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Code4Lib 2019 Call for Duty Officer Volunteers (On-site and remote volunteers)
Hello everyone,
As part of the community's effort to maintain an inclusive, safer environment at the code4lib annual conference, Duty Officers are a highly visible point of contact for conference attendees for any questions and concerns regarding the Code of Conduct. Duty Officers [DO] are responsible for taking initial reports of problems and referring them to conference organizers or to appropriate services. Duty officers are called on to be kind, articulate, and trustworthy people who model the code4lib community values, and this role requires a willingness to engage in emotional labor on behalf of the community; however, DOs are not expected to perform duties of professional counselors, security, or other emergency professionals.
2019 Duty Officer volunteers may participate in one of two capacities:
On-site duty officers - volunteers will provide on-site assistance to conference attendees at the conference. An on-site DO shift is a half-day long during the conference hours, and could include on-call shifts after conference hours. The time commitment will ultimately depend on the number of volunteers, but will likely include two regular shifts and the potential to volunteer to hold the DO-specific phone overnight. On-site DOs must be physically present at the conference location.
Online duty officers - volunteers will monitor the various online code4lib platforms (primarily Slack, IRC, and the #c4l19 conference hashtag feed) and provide online assistance to online attendees and community members. Shifts are two hours long during conference hours, and could include on-call shifts after conference hours. The time commitment will ultimately depend on the number of volunteers, but will likely include two or three regular shifts. Online DOs are not required to be physically present at the conference in order to volunteer, but should keep in mind the disconnect and potential communication challenges that can occur when following a conference remotely.
To qualify to be a duty officer, the person must meet the following two requirements:
1. Previously attended at least one code4lib annual conference
2. Attend mandatory training:
a. Training for on-site DOs will take place the night before the preconferences.
b. Training for online DOs will take place in an online webinar the week before the main conference.
The training sessions for on-site and online DOs are unique and one cannot serve as a substitute for the other. Makeup training sessions are possible if you are unable to attend the scheduled training due to travel schedules; nonetheless, you must complete training before your first shift.
Bonus qualifications include:
* Managerial/supervisory experience
* Online moderator/community manager experience
* De-escalation training
* Active bystander training
If you wish to volunteer as a duty officer, please fill out the form at https://goo.gl/forms/2DkdbUUDSSOMi1f33 by Thursday, October 25th, indicating if you are interested in being an on-site DO or online DO. After the deadline, the 2019 DO co-coordinators, in consultation with the Local Planning Committee [LPC], will create a draft list of volunteers.
Galen Charlton and Christie Peterson, representatives from last year's Duty Officer roster, will submit the draft 2019 list to the community and collect anonymous feedback to ensure any community concerns are taken into account before the volunteer list is finalized. This period will also be an opportunity for feedback on the 2019 volunteers for DO co-coordinators (Francis Kayiwa and Anne Slaughter) and the 2019 LPC liaisons to the DO team (Nicole Johnson and Mark Matienzo).
Thank you,
Francis Kayiwa and Anne Slaughter, 2019 DO co-coordinators
Becky Yoose and Galen Charlton, 2018 DO co-coordinators
Anne Slaughter
Director of Technology Services
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Burr Ridge Office
Phone: 630.734.5127
Fax: 630.734.5050
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