This year will mark the third time that the Islandora community has come
together for our every-other-year weeklong conference, Islandoracon.
October 7th - 11th, in downtown Vancouver, Islandoracon will consist of a
day of in-depth "pre-conference" workshops, two days of regular main
conference sessions, a day of multi-track 90-minute workshops, and a
closing Hack/Doc where we can work together on projects to improve our
shared platform.
The theme of this year's conference is "Collaborate. CHANGE. Connect."
"CHANGE" is capitalized because our community is collectively facing the
need to manage major changes in the tools and platforms that make our own
Islandora platform work. Connecting and collaborating with others in open
source is our best method to manage those changes, not just as hundreds of
individual Islandora users, but as a community moving together.
We are seeking presentations that highlight collaboration and connections
within our community, with other open source communities, and with the
stakeholders we serve; presentations that deal with managing change, both
as a challenge and as an opportunity; and sessions that present new ways to
change and innovate with Islandora. Sessions should be roughly 30 minutes
(with time for questions).
We are also accepting proposals for a limited number of half-day workshops
to take place during a pre-conference on Monday, October 7th.
Proposals may be submitted here:
The Call for Proposals for Islandoracon 2019 will close on *April 19th,
2019*. Speakers will have access to a discounted Speakers Rate for
For more information about the event, or to register, please visit