Hi Everyone!
With #GivingTuesday happening today, I thought I would highlight that
general and targeted sponsorship opportunities are still available for
Code4Lib 2020! We appreciate all the sponsors who have donated so far -- we
couldn't do it without them -- but more sponsorship is needed.
Code4Lib 2020 has eight general sponsorship levels, which start at just
$250. More information can be found in our sponsorship prospectus (
https://2020.code4lib.org/prospectus/). Each level offers recognition,
including free conference registration and exhibitor tables for some
levels, as described in the prospectus. General sponsorships helps the
overall cost of registration to be lower.
Targeted sponsorships improve access and accessibility for the code4lib
community, and will not happen without financial support. Our available
targeted sponsorship opportunities include:
- Streaming Video ($5,500)
- Real-time Transcription and Closed Captioning of Talks ($2,000)
- Childcare ($2,000)
- Transportation ($2,000)
If your institution or organization is interested in moving forward with
sponsorship, the prospectus page also has a "Sponsor Code4Lib 2020" button,
which sends you to sponsorship registration and starts the sponsorship
process. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact us at
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All my best,
Mary Jinglewski
Chair, Sponsorship Committee
code4lib 2020 - Pittsburgh, PA