Consider information interviews, and through the process you will hone your interviewing skills and build your network. Here's how:
1. identify somebody who even remotely has the sort of job
you desire
2. introduce yourself, and ask to have a chat with them
3. during the chat, ask them as much as you can about their
job; what do you like, what do you dislike, what sort of
experience is necessary, what is a typical day like, etc.
4. if possible, as for a tour of the facility
5. ask them if they know the names of two other people with
similar positions
6. politely say good-bye, send them a thank you note as well
as your CV
7. using the results of Step #5, go to Step #2
8. lather, rinse, and repeat; this is a never-ending process*
What is cool about this is a few things. First, there is zero pressure because there is no real job on the line. Second, people love to talk about their jobs; you make them feel good. Third, when a job does become available, you might get invited. Fourth, you become more aware of yourself as well as the environment.
* Question: How did the programmer get stuck in the shower? Answer: He followed the directions on the shampoo bottle.
Eric Lease Morgan
University of Notre Dame