I have an additional noobie question when it comes Python; how can I use pip to install "submodules"?
My command-line tool requires many modules, and here is my Python setup.py file:
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
install_requires=[ 'Click', 'spacy', 'requests', 'scipy', 'sklearn', 'nltk' ],
entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'rdr = rdr.rdr:rdr' ], }
But in order for my tool to work, I need to have two additional things installed: 1) a spacy language model (en_core_web_sm), and 2) and a NLTK thing called punkt. From the command line, to install the former I can run the following:
$ python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
To install the later, I can run something like this:
$ python -m nltk download punkt
My question is, how do I incorporate these additional subtools in my setup process?
Eric Morgan
University of Notre Dame