:: kind reminder: next Tuesday | "plain text" version ::
Dear Code4Lib Colleagues,
In response to the Climate Emergency and issues raised by the COP26, we are hosting a special webinar devoted to looking at computational research and climate change.
Our expert panel will consider these issues from different angles: from large scale digitisation and digital humanities to different aspects of AI - how it can help us fight climate change, but also how it can be more efficient and sustainable.
Please do check the registration page for the details of the invited speakers (more to follow). You can also see further information on our recent Blog Post, https://blogs.bl.uk/digital-scholarship/2021/11/bl-labs-online-symposium-2021-special-climate-change-edition-book-your-place-for-webinar-on-tuesday-.html .
The Webinar will take place on the next Tuesday, 7 December 2021, from 16.30pm until 18.00pm; please do register at:
We look forward to seeing you there.
With our very best wishes,
BL Labs
Filipe Bento, PhD (MSc, Eng) British Library Labs
BL Labs Technical Lead The British Library, St Pancras, Ldn, NW1 2DB
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8135-2304 Twitter: @BL_Labs
https://www.bl.uk/people/experts/filipe-bento Web: http://labs.bl.uk
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