Hi Eric,
Karly's description is really nice on this.
Only thing I would add to Karly and Stefano's response, is that the records seem to be described differently for different authors. I could be reading it wrong, but you also might like the derived from link too. That would look as follows:
SELECT ?personLabel ?describedAtLabel ?url ?derivedFrom WHERE {
?person wdt:P106 wd:Q49757;
wdt:P135 wd:Q213457;
p:P485 ?object.
?object ps:P485 ?describedAt.
OPTIONAL { ?object pq:P973 ?url. }
?object prov:wasDerivedFrom ?obj.
OPTIONAL { ?obj pr:P854 ?derivedFrom. }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY (?person)
Again, describing the retrieving the statements in more granular detail once you've retrieved them.
The resulting table looks okay to me, but has a few more links. But interested to hear how it goes.