Hi everyone,
Invest in Open Infrastructure <https://investinopen.org> (IOI) is now
accepting proposals for the Open Infrastructure Fund! The fund aims to
strengthen sustainability and resilience and increase the adoption of open
infrastructure that underpins research and knowledge creation.
Funding of 5,000-25,000 USD will be given to selected projects that focus
on one of the following areas: capacity building, strengthening community
governance, and critical shared infrastructure.
Applicants from anywhere in the world can apply. IOI reserves at least 60%
of the total funds for individuals, organizations, and services working in
Low and Middle Income Economies.
Find out more by joining our upcoming online office hour sessions on June
19, June 26, and July 6:
Apply by July 31st, 2023 at https://share.investinopen.org/open-infra-fund.
*Emmy Tsang, PhD *(she/her)
Engagement Lead, Invest in Open Infrastructure
Working from Utrecht, The Netherlands (UTC+2)
[log in to unmask] | @emmy_ft <https://twitter.com/emmy_ft>
*Apply for the Open Infrastructure Fund pilot, until July 31:
*PostĂșlese para recibir financiamiento del Fondo de Infraestructura
Abierta, hasta el 31 de julio: