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CODE4LIB  April 2024

CODE4LIB April 2024


weird errors in saxonche Python


Kun Lin <[log in to unmask]>


Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 2 Apr 2024 20:56:24 +0000





text/plain (235 lines)

I am trying to use Saxonc-HE in Python to convert xml with XSLT. The script has successfully converted the file but spill out these error messages. This error did not prevent my python script to function. It's just weird and annoying. Anyone understand what is going on?

Fatal error: Must either be at a safepoint or in native mode

Current timestamp: 1712087596375

Printing Instructions (ip=0x00007fc957a53190):
  0x00007fc957a53170: 0x00 0x41 0xc7 0x87 0xfc 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xfe 0xfe 0xfe 0x7e 0x48 0x8b 0x7c 0x24
  0x00007fc957a53180: 0x20 0x48 0x8b 0x74 0x24 0x10 0x48 0x8b 0x54 0x24 0x18 0xe8 0x90 0xfc 0xff 0xff
  0x00007fc957a53190: 0x90 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc 0xcc
  0x00007fc957a531a0: 0x48 0x83 0xec 0x18 0x49 0x3b 0x67 0x08 0x0f 0x86 0x9f 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x48 0x8b

Top of stack (sp=0x00007ffcbdb8a240):
  0x00007ffcbdb8a240: 0x00007ffcbdb8a2b8 0x00000000005af534
  0x00007ffcbdb8a250: 0x00007fc9561f1f78 0x00007fc955d00000
  0x00007ffcbdb8a260: 0x00007fc957a97691 0x00007fc957a9e214
  0x00007ffcbdb8a270: 0x00007fc9542fa830 0x00007fc957a97691
  0x00007ffcbdb8a280: 0x00007fc95430e010 0x6266983f50827a81
  0x00007ffcbdb8a290: 0x0000000100000000 0x00007fc9579f1112
  0x00007ffcbdb8a2a0: 0x00007ffcbdb8a318 0x00000000005af534
  0x00007ffcbdb8a2b0: 0x00007fc95430e010 0x00000000016d8e00
  0x00007ffcbdb8a2c0: 0x0000000000000002 0x00000000019a20f0
  0x00007ffcbdb8a2d0: 0x0000000001920c40 0x00000000019a1e30
  0x00007ffcbdb8a2e0: 0x00007ffcbdb8a410 0x0000000000002019
  0x00007ffcbdb8a2f0: 0x0000000001920c40 0x00007fc95a904a20
  0x00007ffcbdb8a300: 0x0000000000002019 0x00000000005af534
  0x00007ffcbdb8a310: 0x00000000019a20f0 0x00007fc95aa461f0
  0x00007ffcbdb8a320: 0x0000000001920c40 0x00000000019a1e30
  0x00007ffcbdb8a330: 0x00007ffcbdb8a410 0x00007fc95a923928
  0x00007ffcbdb8a340: 0x00000000019a1e30 0x0000000000000000
  0x00007ffcbdb8a350: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
  0x00007ffcbdb8a360: 0x000000000000002f 0x0000000000000018
  0x00007ffcbdb8a370: 0x000000000000002f 0x00000000005ad05b
  0x00007ffcbdb8a380: 0x0000000000937800 0x00007fc95ab946b0
  0x00007ffcbdb8a390: 0x0000000000937800 0x00007fc95ab946c0
  0x00007ffcbdb8a3a0: 0x00007fc95ab946b0 0x00000000006a510a
  0x00007ffcbdb8a3b0: 0x00000000006a5100 0x00000000004c518f
  0x00007ffcbdb8a3c0: 0x00007fc95abe7d90 0x0000000000937800
  0x00007ffcbdb8a3d0: 0x0000000000000002 0x0000000000000000
  0x00007ffcbdb8a3e0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
  0x00007ffcbdb8a3f0: 0x0000000100000002 0x00000000005aced3
  0x00007ffcbdb8a400: 0x00007fc95abc6840 0x000000000168ff00
  0x00007ffcbdb8a410: 0x00007fc95ab946b0 0x00007fc94ff47830
  0x00007ffcbdb8a420: 0x00007ffcbdb8a420 0x00007ffcbdb8a420
  0x00007ffcbdb8a430: 0x00000000016a4e50 0x00007fc94ff47830

Top frame info:
  TotalFrameSize in CodeInfoTable 48

  0x00007fc950000b80 STATUS_IN_NATIVE (ALLOW_SAFEPOINT) "Reference Handler" - 0x00007fc95689eb08, daemon, stack(0x00007fc955301000,0x00007fc955b00000)

VM thread locals for the failing thread 0x00000000016d8e00:
  0 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalEnvironment.jniFunctions = (bytes)
    0x00000000016d8e00: 0x00007fc95643d010
  8 (8 bytes): StackOverflowCheckImpl.stackBoundaryTL = (Word) 1 (0x0000000000000001)
  16 (4 bytes): Safepoint.safepointRequested = (int) 2143663968 (0x7fc5b760)
  20 (4 bytes): StatusSupport.statusTL = (int) 1 (0x00000001)
  24 (32 bytes): ThreadLocalAllocation.regularTLAB = (bytes)
    0x00000000016d8e18: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
    0x00000000016d8e28: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
  56 (8 bytes): PlatformThreads.currentThread = (Object) java.lang.Thread (0x00007fc95689ea50)
  64 (8 bytes): JavaFrameAnchors.lastAnchor = (Word) 0 (0x0000000000000000)
  72 (8 bytes): AccessControlContextStack = (Object) java.util.ArrayDeque (0x00007fc955b7e640)
  80 (8 bytes): ExceptionUnwind.currentException = (Object) null
  88 (8 bytes): IdentityHashCodeSupport.hashCodeGeneratorTL = (Object) java.util.SplittableRandom (0x00007fc955b47c40)
  96 (8 bytes): IsolatedCompileClient.currentClient = (Object) null
  104 (8 bytes): IsolatedCompileContext.currentContext = (Object) null
  112 (8 bytes): JNIObjectHandles.handles = (Object) (0x00007fc955b01158)
  120 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalPendingException.pendingException = (Object) null
  128 (8 bytes): JNIThreadLocalPinnedObjects.pinnedObjectsListHead = (Object) null
  136 (8 bytes): JNIThreadOwnedMonitors.ownedMonitors = (Object) null
  144 (8 bytes): NoAllocationVerifier.openVerifiers = (Object) null
  152 (8 bytes): ThreadingSupportImpl.activeTimer = (Object) null
  160 (8 bytes): SubstrateDiagnostics.threadOnlyAttachedForCrashHandler = (bytes)
    0x00000000016d8ea0: 0x0000000000000000
  168 (8 bytes): ThreadLocalAllocation.allocatedBytes = (Word) 11498392 (0x0000000000af7398)
  176 (8 bytes): VMThreads.IsolateTL = (Word) 140502704848896 (0x00007fc955d00000)
  184 (8 bytes): VMThreads.OSThreadHandleTL = (Word) 140502793676608 (0x00007fc95b1b6740)
  192 (8 bytes): VMThreads.OSThreadIdTL = (Word) 140502793676608 (0x00007fc95b1b6740)
  200 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StackBase = (Word) 140723491483648 (0x00007ffcbdb8b000)
  208 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StackEnd = (Word) 140723483103232 (0x00007ffcbd38d000)
  216 (8 bytes): VMThreads.StartedByCurrentIsolate = (bytes)
    0x00000000016d8ed8: 0x0000000000000000
  224 (8 bytes): VMThreads.nextTL = (Word) 23956992 (0x00000000016d8e00)
  232 (8 bytes): VMThreads.unalignedIsolateThreadMemoryTL = (Word) 23956976 (0x00000000016d8df0)
  240 (4 bytes): ActionOnExitSafepointSupport.actionTL = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
  244 (4 bytes): ActionOnTransitionToJavaSupport.actionTL = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
  248 (4 bytes): ImplicitExceptions.implicitExceptionsAreFatal = (int) 0 (0x00000000)
  252 (4 bytes): StackOverflowCheckImpl.yellowZoneStateTL = (int) 2130640638 (0x7efefefe)
  256 (4 bytes): StatusSupport.safepointBehaviorTL = (int) 1 (0x00000001)
  260 (4 bytes): ThreadingSupportImpl.currentPauseDepth = (int) 0 (0x00000000)

No VMOperation in progress

The 15 most recent VM operation status changes (oldest first):


Java frame anchors for the failing thread 0x00000000016d8e00:
  No anchors

Stacktrace for the failing thread 0x00000000016d8e00:
  SP 0x00007ffcbdb8a240 IP 0x00007fc957a53190 [image code]
  SP 0x00007ffcbdb8a240 IP 0x00007fc957a53190 [image code]
  SP 0x00007ffcbdb8a270 IP 0x00007fc957a9e214 [image code]
  SP 0x00007ffcbdb8a280 IP 0x00007fc957a97691 [image code]
  SP 0x00007ffcbdb8a280 IP 0x00007fc957a97691 [image code]
  SP 0x00007ffcbdb8a2a0 IP 0x00007fc9579f1112 [image code]

VM mutexes:
  mutex "referencePendingList" is unlocked.
  mutex "thread" is unlocked.
  mutex "mainVMOperationControlWorkQueue" is unlocked.

AOT compiled code is mapped at 0x00007fc9579ad000 - 0x00007fc95926b33f

Heap settings and statistics:
  Supports isolates: true
  Heap base: 0x00007fc955d00000
  Object reference size: 8
  Aligned chunk size: 1048576
  Incremental collections: 0
  Complete collections: 0

Native image heap boundaries:
  ReadOnly Primitives: 0x00007fc955e01028 - 0x00007fc95615f8d0
  ReadOnly References: 0x00007fc95615f8d0 - 0x00007fc95643c708
  ReadOnly Relocatables: 0x00007fc95643d000 - 0x00007fc9566816b8
  Writable Primitives: 0x00007fc956682000 - 0x00007fc9567abcf8
  Writable References: 0x00007fc9567abcf8 - 0x00007fc956c59520
  Writable Huge: 0x00007fc956d00030 - 0x00007fc956d71e68
  ReadOnly Huge: 0x00007fc956d72030 - 0x00007fc957415218

  Young generation:
        aligned: 10485760/10 unaligned: 1436448/5
        aligned chunks:
          0x00007fc94db00000 (0x00007fc94db01028-0x00007fc94dba5678)
          0x00007fc94dd00000 (0x00007fc94dd01028-0x00007fc94ddfffe8)
          0x00007fc94df00000 (0x00007fc94df01028-0x00007fc94dffffe0)
          0x00007fc94e100000 (0x00007fc94e101028-0x00007fc94e200000)
          0x00007fc94e300000 (0x00007fc94e301028-0x00007fc94e3fffe0)
          0x00007fc94e500000 (0x00007fc94e501028-0x00007fc94e5fd420)
          0x00007fc94e700000 (0x00007fc94e701028-0x00007fc94e7fffe8)
          0x00007fc94e900000 (0x00007fc94e901028-0x00007fc94e9fffe8)
          0x00007fc94eb00000 (0x00007fc94eb01028-0x00007fc94ec00000)
          0x00007fc955b00000 (0x00007fc955b01028-0x00007fc955bffff8)
        unaligned chunks:
          0x00007fc94edf7000 (0x00007fc94edf7030-0x00007fc94ee17040)
          0x00007fc94eca2000 (0x00007fc94eca2030-0x00007fc94ed0c110)
          0x00007fc94ed0d000 (0x00007fc94ed0d030-0x00007fc94ed77540)
          0x00007fc94ed78000 (0x00007fc94ed78030-0x00007fc94edad2c0)
          0x00007fc94ee18000 (0x00007fc94ee18030-0x00007fc94ee4d2c0)
      Survivor-1 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-1 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-2 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-2 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-3 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-3 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-4 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-4 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-5 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-5 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-6 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-6 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-7 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-7 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-8 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-8 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-9 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-9 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-10 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-10 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-11 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-11 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-12 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-12 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-13 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-13 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-14 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-14 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-15 From:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      Survivor-15 To:
        aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
  Old generation:
      aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0
      aligned: 0/0 unaligned: 0/0

    aligned: 0/0

Fatal error: Must either be at a safepoint or in native mode

Kun Lin
Programmer Analyst IV
USC Libraries Integrated Library System (ILS)
(213) 821-6496

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