My esteemed listmates,
I've had a few patrons stop in frustratied with gmail.
They want to add a spouse's or child's phone number or email address for
security so they can have certain gmail sent ot their spouse or child.
I read you can Filter a message so it is auto forward to that spouse or
But.... you must first enter gmail Security to verify it's you (patron)
changing this and not sone nefarious character off shore.
Yet, once in Securry under that patron's gmail account there is no obvious
way (to me or them) of how you can either add a recovery email or phone #
so you can then return to ther gmail and filter certain messages.
All the Google result I found had no pictures. People land best with
screenshots of the graphic they should see as they proceed through a
Has anyone discover screenshots of how to add, edit, change a recovery
phone # to a gmail account?
Thank you so much.
Charlotte County Public Library