Dear All,
we, at the University and State Library of Münster, are happy to release version 0.2 of **DatAasee** - a metadata-lake for libraries:
DatAasee provides an open-source metadata layer over distributed data and metadata sources to aggregate a unified view for better discoverability and more FAIR research data. Metadata records are ingestible from OAI-PMH or S3 sources, in DataCite, DublinCore, MARC, or MODS formats, and become then searchable via an HTTP-API through faceted search and full-text search, or with custom queries in SQL, Cypher, or Gremlin. For testing purposes, a prototypical web front-end is also included as well. Currently, DatAasee is under ongoing development and feedback is highly welcome.
Christian Himpe
Universität Münster
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Dr. rer. nat. Christian Himpe
Scharnhorststraße 103-109 / 48151 Münster