The ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries is calling for
submissions to the JCDL 2024 Doctoral Consortium:
Deadline October 8th.
The Doctoral Consortium is a one-day event offering PhD students the
opportunity to present their work, receive feedback, and engage with
mentors in digital libraries and relevant fields, such as information
retrieval, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, science of
Submission Requirements:
1. 2-page extended abstract (+ references) in ACM 2-column format,
- 200-word abstract
- Research question motivated by relevant literature
- Methodology
- Early results (if available)
2. 500-word personal statement on interest and PhD progress
3. One-page recommendation letter from advisor/supervisor
In addition to awesome feedback from mentors and peers, participants this
year also have a chance to get financial support, including through a
separate travel support application to SIGIR.
We look forward to your submissions by October 8th!
Best regards,
JCDL 2024 Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs
- Nic Weber, University of Washington ([log in to unmask])
- Jodi A. Schneider, University of Illinois ([log in to unmask])
- Yuerong Hu, Indiana University ([log in to unmask])