Hi Erich,
My overall impression is ILLiad is fairly stable. That said, in my previous position I was the admin for our self-hosted ILLiad. We dealt with a similar issue at one point. The nightly service restarts were just not enough, services were just stopping throughout the day, to the point I scheduled additional tasks to restart them more frequently. Things improved drastically once we moved to a new virtual server and did a fresh install of ILLiad. If you have just been upgrading ILLiad in place over the last 5+ years, I would recommend a fresh install in a new server environment. Moving ILLiad to a new server is relatively straightforward, particularly if the database is hosted on a separate server from the ILLiad installation (which is how we had it setup).
Cheers, Paul
Paul R Butler (he/him/his)
Discovery Systems Librarian
Baker-Berry Library
Dartmouth College | Hanover, NH 03755
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-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Candace Lebel
Sent: Friday, October 4, 2024 3:11 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] ILLiad stability?
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Hi Erich,
We’ve been using ILLiad for at least 15 years. Our instance is hosted by OCLC, and it is very stable.
Reading https://support.atlas-sys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011810214-ILLiad-System-Manager indicates the ILLiad System Manager is an incredibly busy service. If your institution processes a high volume of requests, I wonder if some tasks are having trouble running because some previously started task hasn’t yet finished its turn. I assume your local server meets minimum requirements.
I’d definitely talk to the folks at Atlas.
Candace Lebel
The Claremont Colleges Library
On Oct 3, 2024, at 7:00 AM, Hammer, Erich F <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Our ILLiad system seems rather unstable to me as compared with just about everything else, and I'm trying to get a sense of whether that is common, and/or if anyone has tricks/tips for stabilizing ILLiad.
First, a disclaimer: I don't know much about ILLiad. I manage the Windows server it runs on, and the OS and IIS are stable. I upgrade ILLiad, but that is close to the extent of my involvement. The person who knows the most about ILLiad (our "ILLiad Manager") is not a sysadmin, so they only work from the interface/client side. They don't have access to the back-end.
Because I am not always available, we have set a scheduled task to restart the ILLiad System Manager service every 2 hours (because every day wasn't enough), and I am still called on every few days to restart it in between those times as well. Every couple weeks, I have to restart the ILLiad Rapid Manager or the ILLiad Connection Manager services. Our Illiad Manager has some concerns that it might be related to the 18 addons they are using. When I poke through the (ILLiad and system) logs, I don't see anything that stands out as a problem.
So, I am wondering, is ILLiad really that unstable? Is 18 addons excessive? What are others' experiences with ILLiad and how to make it more stable/robust?
Erich Hammer Head of Library Systems
[log in to unmask] University Libraries
518-442-3891 University @ Albany
"It ain't the parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother
me, it is the parts that I do understand." -- Mark Twain
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