[Apologies for cross-posting!]
The DLF Cultural Assessment Working Group (CAWG) is excited to announce the
publication of the Inclusive Metadata Toolkit <https://osf.io/2nmpc/>! This
toolkit serves as a centralized guide to the range of inclusive metadata
tools and resources currently out there, in order to equip practitioners to
implement inclusive metadata practices in their day-to-day work.
The toolkit consists of two components:
The Inclusive Metadata Toolkit guide document <https://osf.io/yf96h>,
which provides context for the listed tools and resources in order to make
them easier to use and navigate
The complete Inclusive Metadata Toolkit Resource Directory
which serves as a sortable and filterable directory of inclusive metadata
tools and resources to help you wherever your institution is at
We hope the Inclusive Metadata Toolkit Resource Directory can continue to
change and grow, providing a living directory as more inclusive metadata
tools and resources are created and published over time. Additional
resources can be suggested through the Inclusive Metadata Toolkit Suggested
Resource & Feedback Form
General feedback or questions are also welcome.
For anyone who will be attending the virtual DLF forum
<https://forum2024.diglib.org/attend-virtually/>, toolkit organizers will
be holding a workshop, where we will be showcasing the toolkit and one of
its listed tools, MaRMAT <https://github.com/marriott-library/MaRMAT> (the
Marriott Reparative Metadata Assessment Tool). The workshop will be held on
Wednesday 10/23 at noon ET/9:00 AM PT, and we would love to see you there!
Alexandra Provo (she/her/hers)
*Research Curation Librarian*
*Liaison, Italian Studies*
*Co-Coordinator, NYU/LIU Dual Degree Mentorship Program*
Division of Libraries, New York University
70 Washington Square South, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10012
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ORCID: 0000-0001-8108-2025 <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8108-2025>
*I do my best not to check or respond to email on the weekends. That said, **I
may email you outside your working hours, or while you are out of the
office**. **Please don't feel pressure to respond to me until your working