

On 2/9/04 1:35 PM, Eric Lease Morgan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I have two new ideas (at least new for me), and the first one is called
> iIndex: Search Your Own Stuff...

The other idea is something called

Mailing lists are cool and work quite well. RSS is great way to syndicate
content. I thought I might be able to combine their strengths by writing a
procmail recipe that listens to a mailing list. When the recipe receives
input it first pipes the email message to a mailing list archiver (say,
Hypermail). Next, the recipe updates an RSS file where the new message gets
pushed onto a stack. This RSS file is then syndicated to various RSS

Such a program,, would allow people to monitor a mailing
list without having to subscribe, nor would they have to actively visit the
mailing list archives for updates.

What about this one?

Eric Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame

(574) 631-8604