DLF FORUM FELLOWSHIPS FOR LIBRARIANS NEW TO THE PROFESSION Our digital library operations often contain librarians, staff, and assistants who are lively, intellectually engaged, and inquisitive, but who are not always routinely funded to travel to conferences where they can learn more about the library profession, see digital initiatives from other institutions, and meet leaders in the profession. We all have an interest in encouraging newcomers to the profession, and to further this aim the DLF is pleased to continue the DLF Forum Fellowships. In assessing the applications, the Forum Program Committee will look for a demonstrated commitment to digital library work as evidenced by work experience and academic background, and will consider the degree to which forum participation might influence the applicant's decision to pursue a digital library career. WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Library employees (faculty, librarians, or staff) at DLF member institutions who have been in the profession for 3 years or less, whose work is wholly or predominantly in some area of the digital library. Graduate and undergraduate student assistants at DLF member institutions who, although only working part-time, make a significant contribution to a digital library endeavor and who may be considering a digital library career. Please note: each DLF member institution is permitted to submit one candidate per Forum for this award. WHAT IS BEING OFFERED? Four awards of up to $1,000 each to go towards the travel, board, and lodging expenses of attending a DLF Forum. Dinner at the conference with the other Forum Fellows and selected DLF members, to be hosted by the DLF Director. WHAT IS THE DLF FORUM? For more information, please see: http://www.diglib.org/forums.htm HOW DOES ONE APPLY? DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1 2004 SUBMISSION: Send an email containing electronic copies of the following items to [log in to unmask]: a) Brief personal statement from the candidate explaining their educational background, what their Digital Library involvement is, why they are excited about Digital Library work, and how they see themselves benefiting from a DLF Forum. b) Brief cover letter of nomination from their University Librarian, Program Director, Division Head, or Associate University Librarian. c) A current résumé. d) Optional letter of support from a supervisor, a library colleague, or a library patron with whom they have worked closely. Candidates will be selected by the Forum Program Committee and notified by Wednesday September 15, 2004. If you have any questions, please contact David Seaman at [log in to unmask]