It gives me great pleasure to tell you that "Electronic Resource Management: The Report of the DLF Initiative" is now published in html and PDF on the DLF website at This sizable and significant report to define needs and to help establish data standards for electronic resource management is the result of an enormous amount of collaborative effort by Timothy D. Jewell, Ivy Anderson, Adam Chandler, Sharon Farb, Kimberly Parker, Angela Riggio, and Nathan Robertson. The timeliness of the subject is evidenced by the fact that it is the lead story in the current _Charleston Report_ (July / August 2004 Volume 9, No. 1) "ERMs: The New 'New Thing' in Library Systems": "Most of the systems now available or announced are based on specifications developed by the Digital Library Federation (DLF) which began work in this area back in 2001. The goal of the DLF effort was to create specifications so vendors could create systems to replace the homegrown systems most academic libraries were using at the time. It is a tribute to DLF and also a statement about the need on both sides for these systems, that the DLF specifications have been used by all the large automation vendors who are offering ERM modules." Best wishes, David David Seaman Executive Director, Digital Library Federation 1755 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 tel: 202-939-4762 fax: 202-939-4765 e-mail: [log in to unmask] web: