


Is anyone using ExLibris' Aleph to create RSS feeds of new acquistions
(note, i'm not a systems librarian, I'm just curious)


Ed Summers wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 10, 2005 at 02:00:05PM -0600, Edward Iglesias wrote:
>>SIRSI is indeed working on the issue but what I was hoping for was a
>>relatively simple solution.  Every month we send out lists of newly
>>cataloged books to our "Academic Liaisons".  I already have the list in
>>plain text.  I was simply looking for a quick and dirty way to turn it
>>into an RSS feed.
> If your data is in plain text you'll probably have to write your own custom
> text reader to generate the RSS.
> If you can get your data out in a structured format, like MARC lets say
> you can write a program like this:
>     #!/usr/bin/env python
>     import sys
>     import PyRSS2Gen
>     import pymarc
>     input = sys.argv[1]
>     output = input + ".xml"
>     title = "New Books"
>     url = ""
>     desc = "This is a list of new books, Enjoy!"
>     rss = PyRSS2Gen.RSS2( title, url, desc )
>     batch = pymarc.MARCReader( input )
>     for record in batch:
>         isbn = record.isbn()
>         rss.items.append( PyRSS2Gen.RSSItem( \
>             title = record.title(),
>             link = "" % isbn ) )
>     rss.write_xml( file(output, "w") )
> There are lots of ways to skin this cat (chisel this wheel?), but I'd try to
> work with structured data (MARC, XML, tab delmited, whatever) rather than
> vanilla plain text if you can.
> //Ed

M. Troy Davis
Media Services Librarian
University of Tennessee Libraries :: The Studio
245 John C. Hodges Library
Knoxville, TN 37996
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