

I think we're down to some real questions here.

One question is certainly, "Who will this journal serve?" (which has
already been asked, but I don't know if we've gotten consensus on it).

I think a more important question, however, is "What is it about
Code4Lib that attracts you/makes you desire a published output of it?"

We had ~85 people in Corvallis (at various times).  What peaked their
interest?  Was it the "established community"?  The potential of meeting
with like minded geeks?  The hope for a professional organization that
speaks their language?

The question of "what is your perception of 'Code4Lib'?" needs to be

I guess since I raise the question, I should be the first to answer.

I view Code4Lib as an informal community of developers that combine wits
to solve real and perceived problems happening in libraries.  I like its
lack of "professional tone" - it was less intimidating to participate
that way.

I also note that I didn't start thinking of Code4Lib as "community"
until I entered the IRC channel.  The mailing list didn't instill me
with that connection (although I still found it useful).  I don't think
#code4lib == Code4Lib, but I'm not sure you'd see the current energy
around the community without it.
