Begin forwarded message: > From: Patricia Cruse <[log in to unmask]> > Date: March 9, 2006 9:22:54 AM PST > To: [log in to unmask] > Subject: two preservation positions... > Reply-To: Patricia Cruse <[log in to unmask]> > > Colleagues, > There are two new CDL jobs posted this week at: http:// > (under new > this week). The jobs are described below. Please share these > posts with any able-bodied colleagues. If there are questions > about the positions let folks know that they can contact me. > > trisha > > > > 1. Digital Preservation Services Manager - Oakland - California > Digital Library - 2560-06 > Digital Preservation Services Manager oversees the day-to-day > operations of digital preservation services (production and > development) through project management, provision of support > services (both in person or on-line,) and working with digital > preservation service providers and support staff. User support > services include: 1) the development and maintenance of on-line > documentation; 2) working collaboratively with user and CDL staff > to test, troubleshoot and resolve specific digital preservation > problems. The Services Manager will also be responsible for > soliciting additional input regarding systems features, performing > systems requirements analysis and/or usage data and preparing > detailed specifications for use by application programmers. In > addition, the position will develop test plans for new features and > systems as well as advise and consult with other staff on an array > of system design and enhancement features. The position will also > provide professional support for strategic planning and assist in > the development of case studies and other materials that > demonstrate the value and use of and promote digital preservation > services. > > > 2. Web Archive Software Programmer - Oakland - California Digital > Library - 2553-06 > Want to help archive the Internet? The Web Archive Software > Programmer will work on a national project with the California > Digital Library (University of California) and the Library of > Congress to develop capacity to capture and preserve web sites. The > work of the project will help preserve valuable information for > future generations. The focus will be on the development of web > services for the harvest, preservation, indexing and analysis of > web-based content: the crawlers, creation of digital objects from > the crawled sites, analysis, and presentation (viewing) of > harvested content. This includes modification and/or integration of > third party software or the development of new software using > Java. Reporting to the Project’s Technical Lead, the position's > incumbent will identify, analyze, report on and develop tools for > the harvesting and analysis of web-based content.