

As a technical person (library guy, but not a librarian!), I agree with
Karen in including 'catalog' in the list name. I think, this helps
support people to understand what this list is about. Just for a
thought.. ngcatalog4web? May be it is wordy too .

BTW ngo in ngo4lib could mean "non-gazetted officers" in some counties
esp. in India

Vishwam Annam
Web Developer
Wright State University Libraries
Dayton, OH 45435

K.G. Schneider wrote:

>>I agree -- the term OPAC brings with it a whole set of last-generation
>>assumptions.  It strikes me as being like starting a list on new
>>developments in Web technology called "Gopher 3.0" or something.
>>Also, NGO is traditionally used to describe Non-Governmental
>>Organizations like the Red Cross, Amnesty International, etc.  Probably
>>more people are familiar with the acronym NGO than with OPAC.
>As a word person, I keep circling back to the word "catalog," because...
>* It's not an acronym-particularly not an acronym that makes my skin crawl;
>it's nice plain English
>* It is broad enough to refer to all the functions a catalog might include:
>user interface (which is what OPAC refers to), commerce, inventory,
>reporting, data management...
>Just a thought.
>Karen S.