** This message has been cross-posted to several lists. ** This is a last call for project submissions for the Access 2006 conference Hackfest! Submit your favourite "wish-we-had" idea to the pool of projects that Access 2006 hackers will work on during the Hackfest and Ad-Hockfest sessions, to be held in parallel October 11 in Ottawa, Canada. We will consider all submissions, from a slick do-everything application to the little workhorse utility that you know will make your life in the trenches easier ... as long as your proposal will fit into one day of work. You do not have to be a programmer to describe what you would like to have; and you do not have to attend Hackfest or Ad-Hockfest to submit an idea. The primary criterion: your idea should have something to do with libraries. Send us your ideas, and see what the Access conference hackers can create! To submit a project idea, go to the Hackfest page http://www.access2006.uottawa.ca/?page_id=13 and click on the "Suggest a Project Idea" link. For those who cannot attend Access this year: watch the conference website http://www.access2006.uottawa.ca for Planet Access blog reports during the conference, and for Hackfest results following the conference. On behalf of the Hackfest Coordinating Team, Donna Dinberg [log in to unmask] and Dan Chudnov [log in to unmask]