Call for proposals - Code4lib 2007 We are now accepting proposals for prepared talks for Code4lib 2007. [1] Code4lib 2007 is a loosely structured conference for library technologists to commune, gather/create/share ideas and software, be inspired, and forge collaborations. It is also an outgrowth of the Access HackFest, wrapped into a conference-ish format. It is *the* event for technologists building digital libraries and digital information systems, tools, and software. Code4lib 2007 will be held from February 28 through March 2 in Athens, Georgia. Prepared Talk Information Prepared talks are 20 minutes, and must center on "tools" (some cool new software, software library or integration platform), "specs" (how to get the most out of some protocols, or proposals for new ones), or "challenges" (One or more big problems we should collectively address). We will evaluate proposals on criteria of usefulness, newness, geekiness, and diversity of topics. Prepared talk proposals of 75 words or less are being accepted for review now. Please send your name, email address, and proposal to: [log in to unmask] We cannot accept every prepared talk proposal, but multiple lightning talk sessions will provide everyone who wishes to present with ample opportunity to show off. Lightning talks are 5-minute presentations that any conference attendee can sign up to present. The proposal deadline is November 13, 2006, and proposers will be notified by November 20, 2006. Voting on the proposals will be public, and held in a similar fashion to SXSW. [2] [1] [2] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Brad LaJeunesse Senior Systems Administrator Georgia Public Library Service 404-235-7148 (voice) 404-235-7202 (fax)