1) Fall Forum 2006 Program
2) Fall Forum 2006 Fellowship Winners
3) Reminder: Spring Forum 2007
4) Announcing: Fall Forum 2007
1) Fall Forum 2006 Program.
My thanks to the Fall Forum 2006 Program Committee for their sterling work on the Program, which looks very strong:
Stephen Abrams, Harvard University
John Chapman, University of Minnesota
Hannah Frost, Stanford University
Barrie Howard, Digital Library Federation
Chris Ruotolo, University of Virginia
David Seaman, Digital Library Federation
Sarah Shreeves, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Perry Willett, University of Michigan
The event is full, the program is up at http://www.diglib.org/forums/fall2006/, and abstracts and speaker biographies will be added over the coming days.
2) Fall Forum 2006 Fellowship Winners.
It is my pleasure to announce the winners of the Forum Fellowship for Librarians New to the Profession, and my thanks to the Program Committee for their work in selecting the winners:
Suzanne Chapman, University of Michigan
Tiffani Conner, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Liz Milewicz, Emory University
Dawn Schmitz, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Lauren Scott, Stanford University
Timothy Stinson, The Johns Hopkins University
3) Reminder: Spring Forum 2007: Pasadena, California -- The Westin Pasadena Hotel, April 23–25, 2007.
4) Announcing: Fall Forum 2007: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – The Radisson Plaza-Warwick, November 2007.
David M. Seaman
Executive Director
Digital Library Federation
Council on Library and Information Resources
Tel: 202-939-4762
Email: [log in to unmask]
Web: www.diglib.org