

On Jan 17, 2007, at 2:26 PM, Andrew Nagy wrote:

> Nate, it's pretty easy.  Once you dump your records into a giant marc
> file, you can run marc2xml
> (  Then
> run an
> XSLT against the marcxml file to create your SOLR xml docs.

Unless I'm totally, hugely mistaken, MARC doesn't say anything about
holdings data, right? If I want to facet on that, would it make more
sense to add holdings data to the MARC XML data, or keep separate xml
files for holdings that reference the item data?

In a lot of cases, location data might not be a hugely important
facet; at Madison, we have something like 42 libraries spread thinly
across campus (gah!) -- each with different loan policies -- as well
as a few request-only storage facilities. So there's a lot of "Stuff
I Can't Check Out" and a lot of "Stuff I'll Need To Wait For" in our
