

On Jan 17, 2007, at 2:48 PM, Nathan Vack wrote:

> On Jan 17, 2007, at 2:26 PM, Andrew Nagy wrote:
>> Nate, it's pretty easy.  Once you dump your records into a giant marc
>> file, you can run marc2xml
>> (  Then
>> run an
>> XSLT against the marcxml file to create your SOLR xml docs.
> Unless I'm totally, hugely mistaken, MARC doesn't say anything about
> holdings data, right? If I want to facet on that, would it make more
> sense to add holdings data to the MARC XML data, or keep separate xml
> files for holdings that reference the item data?
> In a lot of cases, location data might not be a hugely important
> facet; at Madison, we have something like 42 libraries spread thinly
> across campus (gah!) -- each with different loan policies -- as well
> as a few request-only storage facilities. So there's a lot of "Stuff
> I Can't Check Out" and a lot of "Stuff I'll Need To Wait For" in our
> collection.

Actually, there is a MARC format for holdings data,

And a number of the 8XX fields in the bib record can contain holdings

So it may not be totally unnatural to put your holdings-related facet
info into the MARC XML alongside the bib data. (Though you may want to
think about how to handle long serials runs.)

I would think that the big question is how (whether?) Voyager
exports holdings data.

Tod Olson <[log in to unmask]>
University of Chicago Library