

On Feb 9, 2007, at 3:58 AM, Rob Styles wrote:
> Here's the set that I generated a while ago - it's quite big as it
> covers the full Marc21 field and subfield set for bibliographic
> records.
> I'm releasing these under the terms of our Talis Community License.
> (

IANAL, so to clarify this license, would it be ok for me to check
this into Solr's repository at Apache (keeping the license file

I'm not quite sure what we'd do with this data just yet, as it looked
like gibberish at first blush, but looking at the document Peter
linked to it is by definition supposed to be this way and not overlap
with real data.

> Would people be interested in a write-up of how we've used
> RadioactiveMarc and automated tests to validate Bath and US National
> Profile compliance?

Absolutely.  This would certainly factor into my Solr efforts in
crafting more automated tests.
