

Carol Bean wrote:

> It is pretty good quality in a small window, but
> is blurry in the YouTube window.

The "Connecting the Disconnected video" is the one you're referring to?
Actually, that looks pretty good for YouYube.

The problem is that YouTube stores videos at 320x240 resolution but
defaults to playing them back at a larger size (424x318) so no matter how
good the original video is, you will still get scaling artifacts.

You can reset the size of the YouTube player to match the video, by
changing both occurrences of '425' and '350' in the code to '320' and
'264' respectively.  This should maximize the picture quality at the cost
of a smaller playback window.

Alternatively, Google Video will accept higher resolution source material
(up to 640x480); this might be an improvement since it would be scaling
down (and losing info) rather than up (and guessing to fill in the

Hope this helps...