

The Oregon State University / Code4lib Gender Diversity Scholarship will
provide up to $1000 to cover travel costs and conference fees for one
qualified attendee to the 2008 Code4lib conference (February 25-28 in
Portland, OR). This scholarship is eligible to any woman interested in
actively contributing to the mission and goals of the Code4lib Conference.

Applications will be judged by the scholarship committee on a combination of
merit and need. The recipient of the scholarship will be asked to write-up a
trip report of the conference.

To apply, please send an email to [log in to unmask] with the

1) A brief letter of interest, including statement of need (also, please
indicate your eligibility in the letter)

2) A resume

3) Contact information of two professional or academic references

Applications should be received no later than January 21, 2008.

The successful candidate will be contacted no later than January 30, 2008.

More information on the code4lib conference can be found at

This information is also posted to the website at

-- jaf

Jeremy Frumkin
Head, Emerging Technologies and Services
121 The Valley Library, Oregon State University
Corvallis OR 97331-4501
[log in to unmask]
541.737.3453 (Fax)
" Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. "
- Emerson