

So as many of you know, OSU is now hosting the server, with
the various code4lib community apps running on it. Jeremy Frumkin's
group hosts it, and Ryan Ordway does the heavy sysadmin lifting.

They're now ready to start granting other people shell access to the
machine to manage/admin apps. This was part of the original plan when
hosting moved to OSU.  While Ryan provides basic sysadmining and
security, the intention isn't neccesarily for him to manage individual
apps, but instead to take advantage of interested code4lib volunteers to
do this--essentially how things worked before OSU hosted the code4lib
server. More hands means less work. (Sometimes, to an extent. :) ).

So the question for the community is--how the heck should Jeremy and
Ryan determine _who_ to give shell access to? Pre-OSU hosting, code4lib
was hosted by a defined group of code4libbers who chipped in for hosting
fees, and were the only ones who had shell access. If you wanted shell
access, as I understand it, you'd have to talk to them about becoming a
member of their 'cooperative', and they'd decide whether that would
happen or not.  Now, with OSU hosting... what should happen? It probably
doesn't make sense that any Joe Schmoe that nobody's heard of can just
email Ryan and automatically get shell access. So ruling that out....
any ideas?    Maybe if you want shell access to manage a particular
application, you email the code4lib listserv, and....   then what?  Not
