

I think this is yet another example of the group maturing to the point of
needing a tad more structure. One way we can provide this is to elect a
board that manages administrative stuff like this. But to do that we'd
probably need some bylaws, even if not formally part of a 501c3 process. The
bylaws would spell out board composition (number of members, who qualifies
to serve), how they are added to the body (e.g., by popular vote by a
defined community), their responsibilities, how long they serve, etc.

Perhaps others will think this is too much overhead for the group, but then
I wonder why for the last two years at conference we have voted in
presentations on the future of this group. I think there is a growing sense
that we've outgrown the "hey, let's just get together and do this" days.

On 3/21/08 8:13 AM, "Jonathan Rochkind" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> So as many of you know, OSU is now hosting the server, with
> the various code4lib community apps running on it. Jeremy Frumkin's
> group hosts it, and Ryan Ordway does the heavy sysadmin lifting.
> They're now ready to start granting other people shell access to the
> machine to manage/admin apps. This was part of the original plan when
> hosting moved to OSU.  While Ryan provides basic sysadmining and
> security, the intention isn't neccesarily for him to manage individual
> apps, but instead to take advantage of interested code4lib volunteers to
> do this--essentially how things worked before OSU hosted the code4lib
> server. More hands means less work. (Sometimes, to an extent. :) ).
> So the question for the community is--how the heck should Jeremy and
> Ryan determine _who_ to give shell access to? Pre-OSU hosting, code4lib
> was hosted by a defined group of code4libbers who chipped in for hosting
> fees, and were the only ones who had shell access. If you wanted shell
> access, as I understand it, you'd have to talk to them about becoming a
> member of their 'cooperative', and they'd decide whether that would
> happen or not.  Now, with OSU hosting... what should happen? It probably
> doesn't make sense that any Joe Schmoe that nobody's heard of can just
> email Ryan and automatically get shell access. So ruling that out....
> any ideas?    Maybe if you want shell access to manage a particular
> application, you email the code4lib listserv, and....   then what?  Not
> sure.
> Jonathan
